FATHER DOMINGO LEGUA Feeding the Hungry in the Dominican Republic In the Archdiocese of Santo Domingo, the need for food is critical. We learned about the need from Father Domingo Legua, a priest whose collar is stained by the sweat of hard labor and soiled by the grime of a life lived alongside the poor. As director of the Archdiocese’s charitable arm, Fundación Ciento Por Uno , Fr. Legua encounters the damaging impact of hunger every day among the families he serves. “Even when people are receiving food, it is poor nutrition. People will eat mangoes and that’s it,” Fr. Legua said. “Usually they only have one meal. The father goes to the central market early and gets fruits and vegetables to sell from his tricycle. After that day’s work, and after paying for the rental of the tricycle, he gets home with whatever is left of the food, and that’s when the family eats. It’s breakfast, lunch and dinner all at once. That is what happens with families in the capital city. For fa...
Fundación Ciento por Uno
Vicaría de Pastoral Social